Fruits of the Earth, 1938 - by Frida Kahlo
This painting is the largest one among the several still life paintings Frida Kahlo produced in her later life. The sky in the background was bright blue when first painted but she later repainted it and changed it to the dark gloomy sky to reflect her emotions.
This painting resembles the style of Mercedes Zamora, who is Frida Kahlo's most admired artist and has a painting of still life painted in 1896 and is very similar to this one. Frida Kahlo's work was greatly influenced by Mercedes Zamora.
This is one of the still life paintings painted by Frida Kahlo to depict the fruits on the table by her bedside. She likes to open or having wound on the fruits as she did in her self-portraits to opens or sounds on her own body. The fruits are also full of sexual indications as well as allusions to the cycle of life and death.